About me

Hi, I am Neeti Paul Sethi, founder of Droplets of light. I am a certified energy healer, hypnotherapist, and writer. I have been practicing Reiki since 2006, Hypnotherapy since 2010, and have explored several alternative healing techniques over years. Writing and healing have been my passion and forte for as long as I can remember. These are two things that come naturally to me and I could not choose between the two and decided that I didn’t have to.

Being a hotelier for over a decade has aided me in understanding the corporate world and incorporating my learning into the daily struggles of being a working professional. In addition to that, I have been blessed with an empathetic attitude, which enables me to relate to people and their mindsets.

My spiritual journey has led me towards completing several certifications, some of which are mentioned below:


Magnified healing


Tarot card reading

Violet flame healing

My faith in practicing energy healing has strengthened over time and has reached a point where I feel compelled to take up my share of responsibility to endorse & spread awareness of these wonderful tools, which I acknowledge as God’s gift to mankind. I consider myself and other spiritual healers a channel through whom God (The divine source), chooses to work.

A special message for you!

Life is perfect. Even amidst the day to day running about, usual tensions, goals to be achieved, aspirations and expectations; we must cherish each moment, acknowledge its value and be thankful for having experienced it. All it takes is a shifting of frequency, a slight twist in one’s perspective and an open & receptive mind. All it takes is, being aware. I wish to contribute to erasing the myth that being spiritual requires you to leave the worldly pleasures, or stop leading a normal life. In reality, the path of spirituality never encourages us to leave the responsibilities given to us in this life. It helps us attain a state of complete well being and we begin to play our role in a much-refined manner.

Healing is about restoration, repair, and regeneration. By practicing spiritual healing, we can:

restore damaged tissues, cells, organs to its normal function;

repair our thoughts, emotions, relationships and thus repair any situation;

regenerate our thoughts of love, forgiveness, and acceptance.

Healing is about the transformation of damaged into repaired, negative into positive, anger into forgiveness, and situational happiness into permanent happiness!

The key to balanced living is to ‘let go’ and ‘let in’. ‘Let go’ of the emotional baggage that we carry throughout our lives, and ‘let in’ the truth, knowledge, love, compassion & bliss through positive healing energy. To let in it’s important to make space and thus let go. This transformation starts taking place on its own as we allow the life force energy to seep into every cell of our body…drop by drop!

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