By Neeti Paul Sethi

In the story of your life, the only voice that matters, is yours. Others may have better ideas, more experience, wisdom, and clarity. But there’s just one little thing missing. They are not you. The only one allowed to call the shots in someone’s life, has to be the one living it.

I know there is always the added pressure of wanting to take the right decision, and not being judged and criticized. The truth is what others think of you is inconsequential compared to what you think of yourself. We waste so much time and energy worrying about the opinion of others, wanting to be liked, needing to please. But personal mastery is about rising above social approval and striving for something even better – self approval. 

Perception changes faster than you can even process it. So why not stay firm and hold on to your personality, your true authentic self, and let others come around to either accept you or vanish forever. It’s a win-win if you ask me. 

By embracing your authenticity, holding on to your values, and pursuing your passions, you are respecting yourself. Your self-perception eventually sets the tone for how others perceive you.

If you approve of the person you see in the mirror every day, then not being liked by a few of them might actually be a compliment. If everyone loves you, you are quite likely not prioritizing yourself. Don’t strive to be liked, but to inspire. Aim to set examples for those who look up to you. Even if it’s about something as minor as saying no or standing up for yourself in an argument. 

You have probably lived your whole life up till now avoiding conflicts, I know I have. But once I discovered the beauty of confrontation, its role in effective communication, and its contribution in raising your self-worth, I don’t quite hate conflict as much. It’s just a means to facilitate diving in the depths of your own thoughts. I personally believe that a relationship devoid of conflict is superficial. Unless you have had uncomfortable conversations, and moved past them, you have deprived yourself of the opportunity to deepen your bond.

Indeed, the journey to self-approval is liberating. It frees you from the shackles of societal validation, allowing you to chart your own course without fear of judgment. As you grow comfortable in your skin, you’ll find that the opinions of others hold less sway over your happiness and fulfillment. 

So, be opinionated, don’t be afraid to speak your mind, and be unapologetically yourself. Prioritize self-respect over fleeting approval. In doing so, you’ll not only inspire those around you but also cultivate a sense of empowerment that transcends external validation. Remember, in a world full of opinions, yours is the only one that truly matters. 

Published by neeti14

I am a content writer, energy healer, and hypnotherapist.

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