Nursing your hurt heart

By Neeti Paul Sethi Let me contradict myself in the first line itself by saying that it’s usually not the heart that’s hurt, but the ego. Humans are a sensitive lot, and that’s how it’s meant to be. So there should be no shame around feeling vulnerable, humiliated, or hurt. It is normal to beContinue reading “Nursing your hurt heart”

My Faith in the Gohonzon

By Neeti Paul Sethi Gohonzon is the object of devotion in Buddhism practice. Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG) is a non-profit organization that instills faith and encourages people to awaken the Buddhahood in them. I recently joined the BSG and connected with people who have been practicing Buddhism for years. I had started down this roadContinue reading “My Faith in the Gohonzon”

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