Stop chasing unicorns

By Neeti Paul Sethi When my people go through a tough phase in their life, especially regarding relationships, I rarely offer advice. I do try to hold space, to facilitate the processing of their emotions. But I try my best not to judge either of the people involved. I try to listen. I try toContinue reading Stop chasing unicorns

Do You Really Believe in Love at First Sight?

By Neeti Paul Sethi Have you ever met someone and instantly hit it off with them, or felt like you have known them forever? On the other hand, how often have you felt repulsed by someone or experienced unexplained anger towards them? Apart from genuinely liking or disliking the person, there can be more toContinue reading “Do You Really Believe in Love at First Sight?”

Noone can be positive 24x7x365

By Neeti Paul Sethi Let’s face it, no one can be positive 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year; and that’s absolutely okay… The law of nature doesn’t support constant thriving. Every season has a purpose. Sowing the seeds, growing, harvesting, withering, and then the process is repeated all over again. Continue reading “Noone can be positive 24x7x365”

Nursing your hurt heart

By Neeti Paul Sethi Let me contradict myself in the first line itself by saying that it’s usually not the heart that’s hurt, but the ego. Humans are a sensitive lot, and that’s how it’s meant to be. So there should be no shame around feeling vulnerable, humiliated, or hurt. It is normal to beContinue reading “Nursing your hurt heart”

Making a Choice to Manifest Your Best Life

By Neeti Paul Sethi She came, she saw, she conquered. This is a really old narrative… Wanna hear a new one? She was always here, she refused to see what others saw, and she secretly wished to conquer…her fears that is. Life is divided into two aspects.  Image and happiness Some choose happiness over imageContinue reading “Making a Choice to Manifest Your Best Life”

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